☀️ Solar Is Beautiful In All Shapes & Sizes

Jinko 400 W Panels

It’s no surprise that if you can – installing solar on your roof can provide one of the biggest benefits from a carbon footprint reduction standpoint. Even with this temporary slow down in the market right now major manufacturers have still pushed the boundaries of what value we can get out of these residential spec’d solar panels. Jinko Solar announced their new residential line of panels that can push up to 16% more power than traditional panels, while crossing the 400W mark. Joining the likes of Sunpower, LG & Solaria in the 400 W club proves progress is accelerating. 

But you are not just some average consumer that buys tech for “tech sake”…that’s our job! With more of these panels reaching similar performance it can be hard to tell what makes them different.

It really just comes down to price & inches, literally.

Sunpower has made performance improvements by increasing the size of their panels, LG is just a quality branded & produced all rounder, Solaria is the small kid on the block with the coolest tech for shading and now we have Jinko – who from their announcement specs seem like they are a mix of cheap but LG performance panels. Which we will have to see once we find a few in the field – unlike the 2 Tesla Solar Roof installations PV Mag found in the field…falling short of the 1000/week even before the current market situation.  

So what does that mean for you if you are just entering into the market for solar. 

The simple answer is it depends on your specific situation, so here is a quick overview of what the street tells us the advantages are:

  • Solaria: Highest rated panel at 360W and of course the all black look – Perfect for homeowners with a larger budget and homes with a lot of tree coverage shading the home.

  • Sunpower: Highest efficiency panels on the market still at 22% + and all black – Perfect for homeowners with a large budget and ample open roof space. [You might still hear its US made…its not anymore]

  • LG & Now Jinko: High performance [over 400 W], all black – Perfect for homeowners looking for the best value purchase with a decent amount of roof space.

  • Tesla Solar/Solar Roofs: Best for those interested in keeping their car, power & storage under one company. Highest wattage rating – 315 W. We will cover more on this in future Impact Newsletters…

About The Author

Swarnav S Pujari

Swarnav S Pujari

Founder of The Impact

Swarnav has over 10 years of experience in the energy & climate tech space, holds 2 patents and is active in the tech, climate and media industries. He specializes in Product/Product Innovation as well as Go-To-Market and Growth Strategy.

By training he’s a Materials Engineer with a background in research from his time at Georgia Tech and University of Illinois (UIUC).

He founded TouchLight a utility backed energy company focused on developing IP for utilities and startups pushing electrification forward. He also serves as the appointed Chairman for the Town of Yorktown’s Climate Smart Communities Task Force, where he helps with drafting legislation and enabling sustainability efforts within the town.

Concurrently, Swarnav founded The Impact to help investors, emerging founders and driven climate enthusiasts discover and identify new climate-tech startups, technologies and opportunities before they hit the traditional media sources.

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