The burnout is real…

readtheimpact archives

In your inbox: the humidity is coming way sooner than expected; emissions are expected to skyrocket and microplastics have made it into the air.


Covid 19 Impact on Sustainability

It can be tough to get into the zone and sometimes impossible to measure up to pre-COVID levels. But we live in a different world now – life is different, so productivity needs to be measured differently, too.


Covid 19 Impact on Sustainability

Sometimes we need a little break from the news. There’s no good about the unseen enemy that leaves serious illness, death, and mass anxiety in its wake (and that just COVID-19 – we’re not even going to start on the economy).

🛢️ 800k tonnes of Hydrogen a year

the impact newsletter archives

The Impact To: The Impact Readers Greetings! 🧐 Spring seems to be finally here, even though we saw some snow earlier this week in NY. The environment is getting more attention and people have now – hopefully – canceled all of their unnecessary subscriptions and are learning more about the value of saving and resource management. In your inbox: […]


Covid 19 Impact on Sustainability

Times of crisis mean disrupted supply chains and resource shortages. In World War II US, that meant metal and rubber drives to collect scarce resources to be recycled for military purposes. Salvaged kitchen fat used to produce glycerin for drugs and explosives; pots, pans, car bumpers, and toys being melted down for steel; and “victory” or […]

🦠 😷 COVID19: The Solar Edition 🤒 🧻

Covid 19 Impact on Sustainability

Damn it, Jim, we’re – well, no, we’re not doctors. And we’re not here to talk about COVID19 itself, but the effects it has on industries. This week, COVID19: The Solar Edition. California Usually Has Too Much Solar Energy – COVID19 Means Wasting Even More of it. Even in a normal year, California grid operator CAISO […]

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